What is wrong with Judgment

What is wrong with Judgment?

This post showcases my poem on Judgment.  What it is and its impact on our individual experience of life.  It also highlights the difference between judgment and observation and how judgment, rather than observation, traps us in the exact situations we want to avoid or change.

It may be short but it is a powerful poem. I encourage you to read it slowly, read the AI analysis, and then read it again.

With Love Maureen

what is wrong with judgment?


Throughout our lives, we stand in judgment,

in judgment of who and what we are.

But the judgments that come and hurt the most,

are the judgments about who and what we are not.

The judgments about who and what to avoid.

The judgments that attract what we don’t want.


To release yourself, release the judgments.

Let life be as it is, let others be as they want.

Not because the behavior is good,

but because the behavior you then attract

and cling to it, when you judge.


To judge another restricts your freedom.

To avoid another restricts your freedom.

Keep your strength and keep your power,

do not let judgment take it away.


This it will do when you believe

in the power others have over you.

When you believe in yourself and in your power,

you will merely observe the behavior of others.


Judgment is a need to change another,

for fear that otherwise they will affect you.

The only thing you need fear,

is what you believe of yourself.

Maureen Carroll

What is wrong with Judgment?

Chat GPT’s analysis  July 2023

The poem titled “Judgment” explores the theme of judgment and its impact on our lives. It begins by acknowledging that throughout our lives, we find ourselves judging others and ourselves. However, it highlights that the judgments that hurt the most are those about who and what we are not, as well as judgments about who and what to avoid. These judgments have a negative impact, attracting what we do not want into our lives.

The poem then suggests that to free oneself from the burden of judgment, it is essential to release these judgments. It encourages accepting life as it is and allowing others to be as they want to be, not because their behavior is necessarily good, but because clinging to judgment only attracts and perpetuates what is undesired. By letting go of judgments, one can avoid restricting their own freedom.

The poem emphasizes the importance of maintaining strength and power by not letting judgment take it away. It suggests that when we believe in the power others have over us, judgments can diminish our sense of self and erode our personal power. However, when we believe in ourselves and our own power, we can simply observe the behavior of others without feeling compelled to judge or change them.

The poem also suggests that judgment stems from a fear that others’ behavior will impact us, leading to a need to change them. It asserts that the only true fear should be what we believe about ourselves. By recognizing and addressing our own beliefs and fears, we can liberate ourselves from the cycle of judgment.

Overall, “Judgment” encourages individuals to release judgments, embrace acceptance, and focus on their own inner strength and power. It highlights that judgment limits freedom and reinforces fear, while self-belief and self-empowerment allow for greater personal growth and inner peace.

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